Happy Birthday Tom!

Ed Wyllie on the mic
Tom was back at Marabini’s on Friday Night, and our thanks to all those who booked a table to come and help celebrate his 21st birthday. Those of you who weren’t there - you missed a great night! There was a table hosted by Tom’s swimming coach, (who claims credit for Tom’s amazing lung capacity!), and one from Doxford Hall Hotel, as well as others incorporating friends and family. Many of the tables were supplied with party poppers, so that when Ed - Tom’s brother (and sound technician) took the microphone from him and suggested we all sing Happy Birthday and “let rip” with the party poppers - Marabini’s sounded like an accident in a fireworks factory!
Tom Wyllie covered in birthday streamers

Tom Miguel Giovanni and Nicola
Although Tom was of course working, it was a great way to celebrate his birthday, and the party went on well into the night. Thanks to all who came along, we hope you had a good night. Tom will be back at Marabini’s on 21st February, or, before then, catch him over half term at Alnwick Garden Cafe between 1pm and 2:40pm on Wednesday 19th February.