Mad March!
Without exception, every night was great fun! Tom has a growing following at La Torre and Vercelli's so book early to avoid disappointment!
The Badger, Ponteland have been raising funds for two great charities and they posted on twitter:
"@TomWyllieSinger brilliant night raising money for 2 great causes #whatavoice
- @BadgerPonteland"
Check out the testimonials page because more and more people are getting in touch via the website, facebook, twitter and e-mail to say how much they are enjoying what Tom is doing. Following Tom's gig at Vercelli's on 7th March, Tom received lots of warm feedback, including from Louise Brison, the owner and all round lovely lady!
"Thank you for the most amazing night. Just when you think it can't get any better it actually does. He [Tom] is certainly a very special person"
Louise Brison
So, watch out for more of Tom's public gigs (in and amongst the weddings and private parties where he'll be performing) coming soon:
Vercelli, Hexham - Sat 18th April, La Torre, Bedlington - Fri 24th April and Horton Grange Country House Hotel - Sat 25th April. See you there, but don't forget to book!
Tom returns to sing for The Mayor of Morpeth
Just as he did last year, Tom had his audience up and dancing from the start. He began with "It's All About You" to which Councillor Horton and his wife Lynn danced. Audience participation was the order of the night and there was plenty of that! At the end of the night, The Mayor himself, complimented Tom on his performance, as did many others! A special mention should go to the lovely feedback from Mandy and Lee, who are to marry in September. We wish you all the very best for a happy future together!
Judging by the success of the raffle, the fundraiser will have made a valuable contribution to Collingwood School and Media Arts College.