Tom entertains the ladies of Cramlington and beyond...
On Thursday evening Tom performed for the Cramlington WI, to help with their fundraising efforts. Ladies were bussed in from surrounding WI’s and Tom put on a show at the Village Community Hall in Cramlington. The Hall is scene of previous amateur dramatic performances of Tom’s - as a young boy he was a member of “BATS” (Blagdon Amateur Thespian Society).
Without access to the Halls lighting system, Tom made use of some of his own stage lighting, and put on a show, which began with a quiz, whereby ladies had to guess the shows, opera or films from which the songs he sang came. A draw was made from the correct answers, and Tom gave one of each of his CD’s as a prize. After the interval (during which there was plenty of WI baking to tuck into!), Tom continued with songs that everyone could sing a long to. Despite the weather, which was atrocious, everyone had a great night, with many saying that they would be booking to eat at Marabini’s so that they could see Tom perform again!
Tom will be singing at Marabini’s on Friday 11th October 2013.
Without access to the Halls lighting system, Tom made use of some of his own stage lighting, and put on a show, which began with a quiz, whereby ladies had to guess the shows, opera or films from which the songs he sang came. A draw was made from the correct answers, and Tom gave one of each of his CD’s as a prize. After the interval (during which there was plenty of WI baking to tuck into!), Tom continued with songs that everyone could sing a long to. Despite the weather, which was atrocious, everyone had a great night, with many saying that they would be booking to eat at Marabini’s so that they could see Tom perform again!
Tom will be singing at Marabini’s on Friday 11th October 2013.